Personal Trainers in Memphis

Terry Taylor Kimble

Fundamental Fitness Personal Trainers and Physical Therapists in Memphis Tennessee

Terry graduated with a BS in education and a MS in counseling and her personal training certification from ISSA. Terry has been a fitness/body building competitor and has been with Fundamental Fitness for 5 years. Terry likes to encourage her clients to "focus on how far you've come, not how far you have to go." Because "a workout today makes you better today than you were yesterday."

Mary Coffman

Mary Coffman, personal trainer certification through the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America. She has a passion that everyone should strive to be the best they can be and fitness is a key component. Mary has been a part of the Fundamental Fitness team for 5 years.

Lisa Burch

Lisa Burch graduated from Methodist School of Nursing. Critical Care nurse for 15 years and clinical research coordinator and wellness RN for 14 years, specializing in nutritional counseling. Lisa strives to provide nutritional and exercise programs that are designed to meet one's specific needs. She has been a part of the Fundamental Fitness team for 5 years.

Chad Finley

Chad Finleyhas a BS in Exercise Sports Science from University of Memphis in 2009. He has been a personal trainer for two years and has had a job at Campbell Clinic as a PT technician for the past 6 years, which has exposed him to rehab of a variety of injuries and disabilities. He has been a part of the Fundamental Fitness team for 5 years.

Mike Ross-Spang

has a Health Fitness certification by the American College of Sports Medicine since 1985, and he has been a personal trainer since 1998. Mike is owner of Healthy Habits. Mike's professional passions are helping deconditioned people discover the joys of exercise and helping golfers improve their games through exercise.